Thursday 22 March 2007

What the hell is that!!!!

It would appear that we have a new hitch hiker on board. I first noticed this "thing" a couple of weeks ago but didn't think anything of it, thought it was excess Algae growth or some kind of Coral. A few days ago tragedy struck! I noticed that one of my Peppermint shrimp had completely dissapeared, and it coincided with me really noticing movement with this "thing", with me panicing trying to find out what it was i searched the net! Got a couple of shots here.

So the search continued, and finally after checking about 20 different websites on Live Rock hitch hikers, it is called a Mossy Chiton, a form of sea slug. By the looks of it, completely harmless and a good cleaner although i am yet to have that confirmed. It moves pretty slow though so i doubt it will cause much of a threat to the other tank mates. As for my lost peppermint shrimp, i don't have a clue where that has gone! No sign of it at all!

I get my first Fish this saturday, a Percula Clown, to most people out there a "Nemo" fish. Hope he likes his new home!!

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